
Mediumship Reading

A medium is a person who through study or natural gifts has raised their vibration and opened themselves to spirit to facilitate communication. This communication can take many forms: sight (clairvoyance) hearing (clairaudience) feeling (clairsentient) taste (clairgustance) and knowing.

When you come for a reading I will use some or all of these forms to communicate with your departed loved ones. A reading of this sort can be reassuring for it allows you to know that your loved one is still alive, well and happy on another plane. It also allows for misunderstandings to be cleared up and for forgiveness to be given and received.

Price: 1 hour $90
Book: Please contact Denise at to book your personal reading. You can also book a reading with Denise at Reflections bookstore. Check Reflections Books for dates and times.

Combination Tarot and Mediumship Reading

This reading would begin with a half an hour communication with the Spirit world followed by half an hour tarot card reading. My clients enjoy this reading as it gives them the news from both worlds.

Price: 1 hour $90
Book: Please contact Denise at to book your personal reading. Because of Covid 19 I am not offereing in person readings but I do phone readings or Zoom. You can also book a reading with Denise at Reflections bookstore. Check Reflections Books for dates and times.

Mini-readings and Demonstrations of Mediumship

Denise participates in mini reading fairs throughout the year at  The Spiritual Alliance,
For dates and times visit their website at



Natal Chart and Progressions

The natal chart is like a road map of your soul’s journey. The map does not have to be followed but it is always helpful to know what the journey entails. Your chart can show: your talents, what you value, what makes you emotionally secure, your early childhood conditioning, your dreams and aspirations.

In a natal reading I will talk about the above mentioned points and then progress your chart to where you are today and into the next year. I will also be looking at the current transits to see how they are affecting you.

To prepare your chart I will need your birth information (time, date, place and your current location) in advance.

Price: 1  1/4 hours $150
Book: Please contact Denise at to book your personal reading.

Solar Return Chart and Transits

This is a good choice for a returning client as I update you’re natal chart with the current planetary transits and interpret this year’s solar return chart. A solar return chart is when the sun returns to the exact position in was in at birth. The chart covers a year from one birthday to the next.

Price:  $100.
Book: Please contact Denise at to book your personal reading.